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Visit the websites below for more information including Transitions availability charts and demos.

Transitions Resources Available for Eye Care Professionals

Transitions Product Availability Guide:

Listing of Transitions availability by lens design, lens supplier, or Transitions products. It's digital and is super easy to navigate!

Transitions Campus:

Learning and Education: Training decks and content, presentations, training videos


Transitions Certification found here: The Transitions Certification program will be the only way to get an XTRActive Polarized demo unit initially when they become available. Have 3 or more staffers complete the program to qualify (see "Get Certified" on the landing page). The 3 can be anyone in the practice (ideally Optician and OD/MD).


Gen8 Traditional and Style Colors: These are available at


XTRActive Style Mirror Demos: Presently these do not exist, but ECPs can direct consumers to the VTO to view them.


XTRActive New Generation Demos: These are under development.


XTRActive Polarized: These are almost ready, but a practice will have to go through the Certification program to get them.

Transitions Resources Available to Consumers:

It's recommended that practices direct patients to these websites prior to their visit or while they are waiting. They can also be linked to a practice's site.


Transitions Virtual Try On:

This is tablet, smartphone and laptop friendly and allows patients to "try before they buy" all colors of Transitions Gen8 and the Style Mirrors (on a gray lens). Try it out!

Transitions Light Sensitivity Quiz:

This is a consumer-friendly quiz to help patients understand their level of light sensitivity. You can navigate directly to this site or it can also be found in the listings under the VTO.

Transitions Kids Page:

This is a fun page with a section for parents, teens and kids. Depending on which one you click on, will reveal slightly different content. 

© 2024 CHERRY OPTICAL LAB. All Rights Reserved

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